Wednesday, July 20, 2011

RFI - Southern District Health Board (NZ) - Supply of a technology solution to support the effectiveness and efficiency of the Specialist Multidisciplinary Clinical Meetings (MDM) in the South Island

The Southern Cancer Network, in collaboration with the five South Island District Heath Boards, is seeking Requests for Information from experienced parties interested in providing us with all aspects of a solution to support the improved function of the Specialist Multidisciplinary Meetings (MDM) at Dunedin and Christchurch Hospitals and to provide the option for remote clinical participation.

This new solution is expected to enhance the current MDM infrastructure and experience in the Oncology Lecture Theatre at Christchurch Hospital and the Clinical Conference Room in Dunedin Hospital.

The solution is also expected to enhance MDM in the secondary hospitals in Invercargill, Timaru, Greymouth, Nelson and Blenheim and provide connectivity between secondary care hospitals to the tertiary MDM preferably utilising existing networks and integrating with existing infrastructure set-ups. 

In addition to this, the solution needs to have the potential to enable National MDM connectivity between the South and North Island clinical teams.

Closing Date: 05/08/11

Link to Notification