Monday we introduced our ICT Leads and Proposals CRM. Yesterday we posted a look at the home screen and the agency pages. Today we will provide a bit more information on the Proposals/Contracts tabs. Screenshot at the left shows a view of the current proposals in the database. This is one of a number of predefined views of the data and includes the agency, the name of the proposal, the closing date and type of request. Clicking on an individual item will drill into further information about that proposal.
The screenshot at the right shows a similar view for contracts awarded. Again, the tab displays the agency, the contract name, the stage of the contract the vendor selected and the contract category. Additional information on the contract is available by clicking on an individual item. In both views, the sort order is selectable clicking on the heading.
Tomorrow we will look at the vendor tabs. In the meantime, email us for more detail at or by phone to (03) 9014 9610.